Our services

FIWARE iHubs and so also OiL iHub offers several services to organizations who want to become more competitive and provide better civic services in the digital economy

iHub Community

Bringing together the local stakeholders, acting as a doorway to the FIWARE local and global ecosystem.

OiL is the designated iHub for Scandinavia

iHub Center

Physical hotspot acting as a meeting point for the local community ecosystem

OiL is such a coworking space

iHub School

The place where you can learn everything you want to know about FIWARE from a business and technical perspective.

Events to be regularly held by OiL

iHub Lab

Testing, piloting, certification of FIWARE solutions and services

OiL has a lab facility and offers test capabilities

iHub Business Mentor

Awareness, dissemination, and promotion of FIWARE solutions.

FIWARE is at the core of OiL and Sensative

iHub Community

Building a regional collaborative community

Building a regional community based on FIWARE technologies is the core of OiL iHub. We are convinced that an open and collaborative environment fosters innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, business success, and the development of better civic services. By providing a platform for the exchange of views and joint development, thus creating a regional FIWARE and Smart Society community, all that participate will gain in both businesses as well as in civic development aspects.

Connecting to a larger international community

Being a part of FIWARE Foundation and its network of iHubs, members and participants in OiL iHub will have the opportunity to connect to the larger international community, actively participate in the many areas of code development of FIWARE and related technologies, as well as be part of the development of the grand vision of a global Smart Society.

iHub Center

OiL iHub physical center offers 600 m2 of modern office and lab space for us who create the IoT solution for tomorrow’s world. OiL iHub is hosted by Sensative AB in Lund, Sweden’s Ideon Science Park Node building.

The premises are very well adapted for developing IoT and cloud services. They were initially built to be Sony-Ericsson’s leading development site for mobile phones; thus, the space has ESD floors, good ventilation, and plenty of sockets for 220 V and Ethernet and even compressed air. OiL iHub has the office, lab, and access to competence to give you excellent conditions in fulfilling your dreams of IoT and cloud services!

iHub School


We aim to organize workshops, webinars, demos, and training sessions on IoT, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence applied to FIWARE technologies for companies, entrepreneurs, researchers, and public administrations.

Access to national and European research programs

We will provide advice and participation in national and European funding calls in fields such as Smart Society, IoT, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence technologies.

iHub Lab

Prototyping and Testing Lab

OiL has a physical lab facility for prototyping and testing FIWARE-related equipment and services, including their electronics, connectivity, and software interoperability aspects.

Live testing

In addition, as Sensative deploys field devices, platforms, and services in many cities and properties, we can provide a real live FIWARE platform environment for on-site testing of your equipment and services.

iHub Business Mentoring

Business Mentoring and Technology Consulting

As we believe that open and standard technologies allow companies to better compete in an international market, we intend to help member companies boost their business and technology offerings through a collaborative and open approach. OiL iHub offers business mentoring and advice on open source-based strategies and business models.

International Collaboration

Through the international FIWARE iHubs network, OiL iHub can sieve needs and solutions developed in other parts of the world and present novel business opportunities for companies in Scandinavia and novel civic services for public administrations.

Attendance at events, conferences, and fairs.

OiL iHub intends to be present in both regional and international conferences and technology fairs, thus allowing its members to present their solutions and success stories.